Thursday, September 29, 2011

Tech Journal: 32-Page Booklet Layout and Imposition

This past week in class we worked on producing a 32-page booklet. We set it up in a way that after you fold, staple and cut you ended up with a 32-page booklet with all of the pages in the correct order. This made for a tricky impo, and folding dummies proved invaluable.
The steps we took and a diagram of the reader's and printer's spreads follows:
  • Begin with a 32 page InDesign document with each page measuring 4.24"x5.5" (a quarter of a page)

  • Layout and save
  • Create an eight page InDesign document with each page measuring 8.5"x11" (letter sized) for impo file
  • Use folding dummy to properly layout impo

  • Place 32 pages into correct spot on impo file
  • Print two sided
  • Fold each of the four sheets into quarters separately
  • Place folded sheets inside of each other

  • Staple
  • Cut top 

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