Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Logo Love

I love logos. I love designing logos. I love thinking about future logo designs. I love looking at logos others have designed. I just love logos.

Lucky for me, logos are practically everywhere, from direct mailers and ads to billboards, making it impossible to pick up your mail, turn on your TV or even drive down the interstate without seeing them. "Why this levitated logo love?" you may ask. Well, I'll tell you.

In many respects, logos are the "face" of any company, restaurant, band, sports team, etc. They convey the business of the party represented. They set the feel, tone, color scheme and design for the look of the company. They are, in many cases, instantly recognizable. They are what people remember.

This is what makes them so thrilling and terrifying for me as a designer. (After all, they do set the feel, tone, color scheme and design for the look of the company and are what people remember.) This challenge of capturing an entire feel and purpose in a simple graphic element or type treatment is both the challenge and the excitement in creating a logo. If they are done smartly and effectively they can become downright iconic. A certain sportswear company and fast food chain come to mind. Who ever would have thought that a strange looking swoosh or a big yellow "M" could represent so much anyway?

Below is a logo that I created as a class assignment for a landscape design company in Watertown. Check out my "Logos" tab for a few other samples of what I have created.

Decorative Edge Landscaping Logo, 2 Color

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